英文訳(ネルケ無方)「Wnen you awaken, it is like the moon reflected in water. The moon does not get wet, and the water is not deformed.
That light shines wide and clear, and still it finds space in an inch of water. The whole moon and the whole sky abide in a single dewdrop on a blade of grass.
Just as awakening does not deform you,the moon creates nohole in the water. You cannot obstruct awakening, just as a dewdrop cannot obstruct the sky and the moon.
It is just as do as it high.Considering the length or shortness of time, you should explore how vast or smal the water and how wide or narrow sky and the moon are.
時節の長短は・・辦取 すべし(水野):時間の長短は、これを、水の大小とはなんのことか、露に宿る天の月は広いのか狭いのかを点検・弁別会得することによて確かめよ。長短不可弁の意を寓している。前の「深きことは云々」も高低と深浅との別に固執することをしりぞける言葉。