


原文「身心(しんじん)に法いまだ参飽(さんぱう)せざるには、法すでにたれりとおぼゆ。法もし身心に充足すれ. When itば、ひとかたはたらずとおぼゆるなり。たとへば、船にのりて山なき海中にいでゝ四方(よも)をみるに、たゞまろにのみみゆ、さらにことなる相(さう)みゆることなし。しかあれど、この大海、まろなるにあらず、方(けた)なるにあらず、のこれる海徳つくすべからざるなり。宮殿(ぐうでん)のごとし、瓔珞(えうらく)のごとし。たゞわがまなこのを(お)よぶところ、しばらくまろにみゆるのみなり。かれがごとく、万法もまたしかあり。塵中格外(ぢんちゆうかくぐわい)、おほく様子(やうす)を帯(たい)せりといへども、参学眼力(さんがくげんりき)のを(お)よぶばかりを見取会取(ういしゆ)するなり。万法の家風をきかむには、方円(はうゑん)とみゆるよりほかに、のこりの海徳山徳おほくきはまりなく、よもの世界あることをしるべし。かたはらのみかくのごとくあるにあらず、直下(ちよくか)も一滴(てい)もしかあるとしるべし」

英文訳(ネルケ無方)「When is does not fill your body and mind, you think you have enough of it already, Whe it does fill your body and mind, you realize that there is still something missing.
For example, when you cross the ocean with no mountains in sight and look in all directions, all you see is a vast are and nothing else.
But the great ocean is neither round nor square but has countless other characterisyics. It is like a palace, it is like a necklace. Only to your eyes, it looks round for the moment. And it is the same for all of the thousand things.
Inside the dust and outside of all frames, things appear in a mutitude of ways. But you see and understand only what enters the holizon of your learning through practice. If you want to feel the breeze in the house of te thousand thinds, it is not enough to know only "round" and "square".
You have to know that there are countless other features of oceans and mountains, and you should know that there are worlds beyond youe horizon.
This is not only about your surroundings. That is about the very place where you stand right now,one drop of water.



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