英文訳(ネルケ無方)「When a fish swims in the water there are no limits to the water, no matter how far it swims. When a bird flies through the sky, there are no limits to the sky, no matter how far it flies, At no time in the past or present have this fish and bird been separate from water and sky. When they need a lot, they just use a lot. when they need a little, they just use a little.
wherever they are, they totally fulfill there position. There is no place they would not summersault.
Still, if a bird should leave the sky it would instantly die. If a fish should leave the water, it would die on the water, it would die on the spot.
You should know that water is life and sky is life. Also, the bird is life and the fish is life. And life shall be the fish. And it shall go on like this. Every living thing actualized it through practice.
But if the bird and fish should decide not to swim or fly before they had completely figured out about the water and the sky, then there would be no way and no space for them, neither in the water nor in the sky.
Arriving here, this is the action with which you manifest yourself openly. Finding this road, this is the road to express yourself clearly. This road and this place are neither big nor amall, they do not belong to youeself or others, they neither existed in the past nor did they just appear in this moment-therefore, they are just the way they are.
以水為命、以空為命・・ :そこには、魚と水と命につき、また鳥と空と命につき、その主客を転覆した命題が、それぞれ三度試みられている。